Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's been a while. Life has tremendously brought on a gust of business. I haven't really had time to just relax and think about how life is going. I finally have time over this break to enjoy what God has blessed me with, which I still have enjoyed all that He's placed in my path though many things have been rough, and to ponder on a few topics.

Worship has always played an important role of my life, even when I didn't know it. Many acts of ours' could be classified as worship. Worship is any act toward something that brings love and honor to it. But worship is different to everyone; worship is not classified into being a specific action.

In Christianity, worship is active. Many times people may think that when you go to "worship," you sing. Well, it's not entirely true. Worship is a daily activity. Everything you do is worship; your life in general is worship. Your actions and decisions show what you worship. That's something we don't usually think about, and it hits me like a freight train.

"I appeal to you, therefor brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12: 1-2 (ESV)

Worship is real. True worship can't be forced. You can not make someone worship, and you can't make someone worship the way you do because then it becomes fake. True worship is with your life; the offering up of the life God has blessed you with to live out His plan for your life.

"You shall fear the Lord your God; him alone you shall worship, to him you shall hold fast, and by his name you shall swear. He is your praise; he is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things that your own eyes have seen." (Deuteronomy 10:20-21)

To end this blog post, I'd like to wish you all a Merry CHRISTMAS, not happy holidays. Remember the reason for the season. Sorry Santa.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Edge of Desire

It's been a while, but it's going to be a lot easier to blog now that I have my laptop! Anywho, I've been busy with a lot of things lately, and I was listening to Edge of Desire.. what a beautiful song, and it has a deep meaning if you really think beyond the lyrics themselves. Desire is such a strong word; it's defined as to long or to hope for.

To long or to hope for.. we often see that desire can be either good or bad. We can desire people, worldly possessions, alcohol, sex, etc. Depending on what we desire, it can lead to harm or satisfaction. (which really, are we at anytime ACTUALLY satisfied?) In the song Edge of Desire, John has a desire to be with this special someone. The risk - "I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe." ...although this is just a song, how many times would we go back on our beliefs, morals, etc. to get something we desire so much? It's almost as if it was an addiction.

Desire.. it's good to keep it in check. I have surrendered my life to the ministry, and I desire to serve the Lord, my God. (and yours too, you should get to know Him.) So I can't really go back on what I believe if I desire God, since He is what I believe can't I? It's pretty great if I say so myself.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


A fake human.. A wooden puppet. Ahh what a movie! Im a real boy!! Not. This makes me think about how sometimes we aren't true to ourselves about who we really are. We try to act one way to fit into a certain click of people. We become fake.. And sometimes lose those most important to us.

I've journeyed down that road before, and let's just say, it's a dump. You find yourself doing things that don't really fit and are uncomfortable to you. Luckily my relationship with God, my over securitized mom and car junkie dad, and a very special Haley sampson always keep me in perfect pitch with who I really am.

Often we can become this way in our faith. We begin doing things just to say we did them. We dont breathe them in. We go through the motions and act like Christians, while in the inside we know we are as fake as 2012's effects. Dive deep, taking in all that you can. God has a lot to offer.. For free. No contracts involved.. Though after you accept Him you might find yourself doing things in His name for Him!

Never become fake with your relationships. You can often hurt yourself, hurt others, and lead people astray.

Monday, May 3, 2010

you are the love I need

"Oh how He loves us" .. Wonderful lyrics that are so true. God has done so much for us, and it really is amazing how much He loves us. It gives me chills to think about it. I love to praise Him for everything he has blessed me with and every struggle He has allowed me to go through even though it wasn't so enjoyable; which brings me to the topic of worship.

God deserves the praises we sing to Him. He has blessed everyone of us with so much; it's so astounding. Each of us have been blessed with talent; some with very unique talents. Its an easy way to minister to others. Our special talents can be used to glorify and bring praise to our wonderful Savior. After all, look at what was done for us.

Oh God, let my voice and everything I do glorify You and all of Your worth.

Oh and just for an added note - the sunset.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Last night as I was in chuch, a song from John Mayer started flowing through the speakers. Now of course I got excited obviously because John was in the atmosphere. The song was waiting on the world to change.. Not one of my personal favorites - but hey, it's JM! After getting home, I really started to think about the song and how it really related to me and Christianity. Do we really want to sit back and wait for change to come? If we did, wouldn't there be nothing at all being done for the glory of Christ?

Sometimes it seems as if we leave things up for others instead of taking the reigns of the situation and attempting it ourselves.. Like we're scared of responsibility or nervous about what others think about us. I know that I've done that myself, and usually I beat myself up over it. As Christians, God has placed a calling on all of our lives; go make disciples in His name. If we're seated waiting and watching, what good are we doing? These lyrics from the song pretty much sum it up, "it's hard to be persistent when we're standing at a distance." You have to show God's love to get anything done.

Living a life actively for God is part of the whole story. The other part is witnessing to others about what your life is about. Live it; witness it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I didn't ever think I would actually do this, but here I am. Writing is a way to release part of yourself; a way to show yourself to others that sometimes is harder than anything you've ever done. I decided though anybody might not care what I have to say, some people may be interested, and I believe this can be a fun process.

My blog is titled "What A Story Life Is" for a reason; your life is an astounding story. No matter how great of a story teller you are, there's nothing like the life you live. Conflicts, relationships, etc. are like nothing else. You can manipulate anything, but you never realize the true reality of the experience unless you actually experience it. Each person goes through problems and difficulties, and no matter how similar they might seem, no one else goes through the same experiences as you do. Your story depends on what you live for, and I know what I'm living for. My Savior Jesus Christ. I receive true joy and happiness from living for Him.

Now what will you live for? Only you can decide.